Are you planning to attend the AESP Annual 2024 Conference February 5-8, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas? ILLUME is a proud sponsor of the conference and we have multiple team members presenting on a range of topics, including:

Leigh Michael
Learning Lab: Unlocking Justice40 Funding to Advance Equity
Tuesday, February 6 at 10:45am CT
Justice40 is a whole-government effort that sets goals for disadvantaged communities to receive 40% of benefits from Federal climate and clean energy investments. In parallel, other states are launching similar climate-equity policies (NY, IL, WA).
This learning lab provides a practical roadmap for state/local government and utilities to leverage funding for Justice40 funding and/or meet the requirements set forth by state-specific legislation. We provide a replicable framework to approach this process, building on real-life examples. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of Justice40 and how to apply it to covered programs and/or state-specific legislation.

Laura Schauer
Learning Lab: 60 in 60 – Leading Through Change
Tuesday, February 6 at 1:30pm CT
Don’t miss these 60 lessons in leadership from an esteemed panel of diverse professionals on topics ranging from entrepreneurship, diversity, team building, career growth, change management, and overcoming imposter syndrome. Six speakers will each present 10 topical insights in 10 minutes. Here’s your opportunity to glean lessons learned from those who’ve overcome obstacles and lived to tell the tales! Each participant will have a take-away to summarize their key leadership lessons. Laura will be speaking on Team Building.

Liz Kelley
Equity in Action: Bridging Gaps and Empowering Communities
Tuesday, February 6 at 3:15pm CT
As the energy industry places an increasingly strong emphasis on equitable service delivery, energy service providers are seeking innovative approaches to better engage historically underserved customers. In this session we will explore three distinct case studies highlighting successful strategies and valuable insights, including a Massachusetts language-based journey mapping study, challenges and lessons from California’s Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program, and Ameren Illinois’ Smart Home Accessibility offerings. Come away with a deeper understanding of how providers are actively working towards equitable service delivery, overcoming barriers of equitable access, and providing solutions to innovation adoption for all customers to receive the benefits of clean energy. You’ll want to learn from their approaches and apply their lessons to your own efforts in pursuit of energy equity.

Jes Rivas
Moving From Demonstration To Deployment: The Shifting Role of Emerging Tech in the Age of Decarbonization, Demand Management, and Grid Infrastructure
Wednesday, February 7 at 1:00pm CT
The next decade requires unprecedented innovation and deployment to scale up and meet decarbonization and grid modernization needs. As states and utilities adopt aggressive decarbonization targets, “emerging technology” programs are no longer simply about demonstrating more efficient technologies; the challenge has broadened in scope and scale to include electrification, grid resiliency, decarbonization, business models, equity and achieving large-scale deployments. Learn about how some of the largest utility innovation programs are evolving from an efficiency-driven, R&D approach to one that includes business models, electrification, grid resiliency, and equity in order to meet the wide-ranging needs of the modern utility portfolio.