As the world looks forward and reflects on the past year, I have been doing my own soul searching on what 2013 meant for me and what my goals should be for 2014. What did I learn in 2013? What do I need to learn in 2014?
2013 was a year divided. My year began in a state of professional and personal frustration. I was exhausted. Exhausted from frustration, from feeling ineffectual, from stagnation.
That said, frustration was also my greatest blessing of 2013. It pulled me out of my inertia. For the first time in years, I surveyed my situation with a focus on my potential instead of my obligations to work, to family. I acknowledged my unhappiness. I named it. I called it out. I decided it was not good enough for this short life.
Between here and there I found my courage and creativity again. I discovered an overwhelming and unrelenting desire to create, to grow, and to give. I felt truly illuminated again. Excited. Hopeful.
My second greatest blessing in 2013 was finding my desire to create reflected back to me in Sara. We shared the same vision and together we found the courage to act on it.
In 2014, my goal is to take our budding company and build a business model that supports, fosters, and shares growth. We are exploring unconventional ways to build – from profit sharing models with those people courageous enough to co-create with us – to applied-academic partnerships – to expanding and learning from other applied work that serves the social good. In 2014, I will live by this quote:
“Life expands and contracts in proportion to one’s courage.” – Annais Nin.*
In 2014, we will use this blog to share the stories of other women who have lived in the spirit of this quote. We hope to use their stories to inspire more searching, greater creativity, fierce tenacity.
I will count their inspiration among my blessings.
*I first discovered this quote at which features 52 impactful women. If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration, I suggest you check it out.